AGB1: Milonga
Party with Miriam & Leopnardo, Party: 5:30pm-9:30pm, $15 (Second
Sunday of the Month Only)
AGB2: Dance Night Out with Lisa Narita,
(WCS, Nt Club 2Step, Street Hustle, Cha Cha, Country), Lesson
& Party: 6:30pm-10pm, $10
1st Tuesday: Tango Nueve 9 pm
Hosted by Valesia, $15
3rd Wed: Salsa/Bachata Party, 9 pm -
3 am, $15
1st Friday
AGB1: Ballroom Delight with Doreen, (All Ballroom & Latin Dances), 8pm Lesson, Party: 9pm-12Midnight, $15
AGB2: Argentine Tango with Luis, Party: 8:30pm-1am, Party Only: $15, Lesson & Party: $25
2nd Friday
AGB1: Ballroom with USA DANCE, (All Ballroom & Latin Dances), 8pm Lesson, Party: 9pm-12Midnight, $12 General Admission, $8 USA DANCE members
AGB2: Argentine Tango with Luis, Party: 8:30pm-1am, Party Only: $15, Lesson & Party: $25
3rd Friday
AGB1: Ballroom Delight with Doreen, (All Ballroom & Latin Dances), 8pm Lesson, Party: 9pm-12Midnight, $15
AGB2: Argentine Tango with Luis, Party: 8:30pm-1am, Party Only: $15, Lesson & Party: $25
4th Friday
AGB1: Ballroom Party with
Ed van Ornum, 8pm-12Midnight, $15
AGB2: Argentine Tango with Luis, Party: 8:30pm-1am, Party Only: $15, Lesson & Party: $25
(Optional 5th Friday)
AGB1: Ballroom Delight with Doreen, (All Ballroom & Latin Dances), 8pm Lesson, Party: 9pm-12Midnight, $15
AGB2: Argentine Tango with Luis, Party: 8:30pm-1am, Party Only: $15, Lesson & Party: $25
1st Saturday
AGB1: Dance Addiction Swing, Hustle
and Country Party with Michele Adams, Lessons at 5:30 - 7:00pm,
Open Dancing 7:00pm - 12:00am, Admission $15
AGB2: La Noche del Tango Party with Luba, 7:30-8:30pm Lesson, 8:30-12:30am Milonga, $15 for Milonga Only, $23 for Lesson & Milonga
2nd Saturday
AGB1: West Coast Swing with Lisa, (WCS, Nt Club 2Step, Street Hustle, Cha Cha, Country), No Lesson, Party: 8pm-12Midnight, $15
AGB2: La Noche del Tango Party with Luba, 7:30-8:30pm Lesson, 8:30-12:30am Milonga, $15 for Milonga Only, $23 for Lesson & Milonga
3rd Saturday
AGB1: Country Western, Lesson 6:30
pm, Open Dancing ends at 11 pm, Laurie, $15
AGB2: La Noche del Tango Party with Luba, 7:30-8:30pm Lesson, 8:30-12:30am Milonga, $15 for Milonga Only, $23 for Lesson & Milonga
4th Saturday
Salsa/Bachata/Zouck, 9 pm - 3 am Lesson and Party, $15
AGB2: La Noche del Tango Party with Luba, 7:30-8:30pm Lesson, 8:30-12:30am Milonga, $15 for Milonga Only, $23 for Lesson & Milonga
(Optional 5th Saturday)

Visit the NEW Avant Garde Ballroom and check out the three new floating dance floors and new studios!

Pictured above is AGB2
1502 East Warner Santa Ana CA 92705
Avant Garde has the widest variety of dance events in Southern California and we want your suggestions!!